March 24, 2025

Chelsea's NDE From Great Dane Attack

Chelsea's NDE From Great Dane Attack
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Chelsea's NDE From Great Dane Attack

Chelsea Elizabeth grew up with dogs in the family and is a lover of Great Danes, and rescue dogs. In August 2023, something snapped in her recent rescue dog and it brutally attacked her, leading to her near death experience (NDE).

She saw and felt a bright light. She felt as if she were floating. She experienced white noise and peace with no pain or fear.

While riding in the ambulance, Chelsea awoke to find a woman holding her hand. This was in addition to the EMS riding with her. It was later verified to her that there was no woman in the ambulance, at least not that anyone else could see.

She received comfort from the woman and from flashbacks of her life as a small child.

This NDE changed Chelsea's whole perspective on life. Now, family is the most important thing in the world to her. She has learned that death is not scary, it's beautiful and peaceful.


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From the time that they pronounced me dead was

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a good 45 minutes. They cut my clothes and then

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they paddled my heart, my heart stopped and I

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could see people screaming and crying but I didn't

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realize that was actually my physical body because

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I was somewhere else. The only thing that I could

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feel if you could imagine absolute love and peace,

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there wasn't anything else to be felt. I was

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greeted by people I had known in the past. I'm

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back home again. Incredibly safe and felt at

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home. Welcome, welcome to Round Trip Death everybody.

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And we have a very special guest in her car today.

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Thank you for pulling over so you're safe. This

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is Chelsea Elizabeth. How are you? I'm doing

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well, yes, avoiding the spring breakers who have

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launched to our beautiful Florida for the 60

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degree windy weather today. If you're in Florida

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listening, sorry guys, it's not a beach day.

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Well, that doesn't sound all that bad to me right

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now being up in the mountains. It's a little

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bit colder than that, but enough for the weather

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before we jump into your near -death experience.

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And I'm going to give it a little tease here.

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It has something to do with a great big dog.

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It does. Great big dog. Before we jump in there,

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tell us who is Chelsea? I am a farm girl from

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Tennessee, originally. Know the dialect, did

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not leave, but you'll hear it come out quite

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often. Grew up, left home, college and... never

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really looked back, have been in biotech pharmaceutical

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cells, most of, well, all of my career for the

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most part, done some consulting here and there

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and most recently finished a manuscript which

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is in editing and I hope to be published in the

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near future. A lot of people that come on have

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a book out and I don't mind plugging it just

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a little bit, but the plug for you is It's in

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development and it's going to be awesome when

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it comes out and we don't even know the title

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yet, do we? I don't even know the title. The

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title has changed so many times. It's going to

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be the last piece of the puzzle. I think once

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I actually sit down and read my own book again,

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decide what the best message is. It started out

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very different than what it ended when I handed

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it over to the editor. So it's been... an evolution

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of sorts that has been very rewarding for me,

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very healing in this journey, we'll call it.

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Yeah, very therapeutic, I imagine. Yes. Okay,

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so everybody in a few months be looking for Chelsea

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Elizabeth, the author. Yes. Okay. Yes. I want

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to get into it. You are a dog lover. Give us

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a little bit of background. What kind of dogs

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did you grow up with? So growing up, I was raised

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with golden retrievers. And in the backyard,

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we had beef cattle. And then along the way, I

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would pick up any stray dog, cat, squirrel, you

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name it. It came to the farm with me. And animals

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were always my happy place. Just when life kind

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of got you down, it's just go snuggle with your

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pup. Being single, you want to come home and

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you've got this tail wagging, somebody excited

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to see you. and rescuing, just giving any animal,

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even humans, even the chance to thrive. Once

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I got my first home, began rescuing, wanted big

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dogs. I'm a little person and so started with

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Great Danes and fell in love with Abigail the

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first one and ever since have been adopting Great

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Danes. I currently have Amelia who is my seven

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-year -old. and she's a rescue. It was late July,

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early August. I adopted another Great Dane, a

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male. Had him for a couple of weeks and he snapped

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at me, you know, got my arm. I ignored the warning

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signs and kept him. And it was a week after that.

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It was a Sunday night, beautiful Sunday. August,

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hot, humid evening was approaching, probably

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five. He snapped. and came at me face on, took

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this side of my face forehead over off. I was

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able to roll over and he went to town on the

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back of my head. I don't know how I got out of

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the house. I remember knowing that I had to protect

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my neck and so I had one hand over the carotid

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artery and I remember looking up and seeing Amelia

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in the corner just I remember asking her for

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help. And in that moment, looking back, it crushes

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me that I asked her for help because she was

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helping me by not joining in, by not joining

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her pack. She had declared me as a pack and knew

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that she could not save me. I somehow made it

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out of the house, looking back at the photos.

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was a struggle to get out of the house based

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on the glass sliders. And my neighbors found

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me. I remember the attack. I remember laying

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on my patio. I remember sitting in their living

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room. And sitting in their living room, I remember

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focusing on a light. In focusing on that light,

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everything was just bright, kind of an aura.

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and noise became white noise and pain didn't

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exist. Fear wasn't present. There were what felt

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like a very long amount of time that I felt like

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I was just kind of floating and everything okay.

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It was just magical. It was excruciating pain

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to just peace and light and noise that was calming.

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I woke up in the ambulance. Now I know there

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were only three people in the ambulance, but

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to my right there was someone holding my hand.

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And I will never, ever forget it because to my

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left they were placing IV or whatever they were

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doing and I remember looking at that EMS and

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I asked her, I said, I'm dying, right? And I

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remember to my right going a squeeze and hearing

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it's okay, Chelsea. And I knew it was okay. The

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ride very uncomfortable, but I had a hand to

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hold. I didn't have an out -of -body experience.

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I don't know what heaven looks like. I can't

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bring any messages back, but I know that heaven

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exists because in several moments of that trauma.

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there was peace and there was somebody that I

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could see holding my right hand in that ambulance.

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Any idea who that was? No. No, I actually went

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back to the EMS station and talked to them and

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asked them, are you sure? Because, you know,

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they brought two ambulance. I'm like, are you

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sure somebody from the other ambulance didn't

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ride? No. No, you only had one person back there.

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You know, that's protocol. So, you know, I was

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able to share my story with them. But a lot of

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things that happened, I had to fact check, because

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I forced myself to go back and look at the photos

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that the police in Animal Control made. I forced

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myself to go through and watch every video. And

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everything in my memory is incorrect. Incorrect.

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I would have told you it was dark at night. That

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was the only light I could see. It wasn't until

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I watched the video that I realized it was broad

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daylight. I was at the hospital before it was

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dark, but in my mind, it was dark and all I had

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was that one light. When you say video, was this

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like a doorbell camera or what was it? Yes, it

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was doorbell cameras and cameras that are in

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the front and the back of the house. So every

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external exterior camera, it caught it. And so

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I saw... And I don't know how I survived. I think

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I know why it's becoming a little more clear,

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but I should not have survived. I did lose, you

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know, I lost my head. So a little wig if it falls

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off, my apologies, but my entire scalp, ears,

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forehead, neck, shoulder, back, off, gone, nothing.

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The plastic surgeons sewed up what would have

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been five feet two inches. So five feet two inches

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just on shoulder up is what they sewed together

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as he wrote as a puzzle piece fitting and pulling

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skin just to close the head back up. And then

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I was sent to ICU. where they assumed I would

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catch infection. I had a clot in the right vertebral

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artery, which was very dangerous. I was on Heparin

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and around the clock watch. The records were

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very hard to read because in the moment you don't

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know how bad it is. And it wasn't for a long

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time that I realized how bad it was. Let's take

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a breath for a second. and explain a couple of

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things to the listeners. One is on this podcast,

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usually what we're doing is talking to people

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that have had a clinical kind of death, left

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their body, come back. We don't usually talk

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about... Near death in the term of oh, I almost

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got hit by a truck today, but I'm fine But yours

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was such a horrific thing that happened and you

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said you didn't have an out -of -body experience

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But it is awfully close or similar or something

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spiritual was going on when you talk about the

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light and this Being that was holding your hand

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and we're gonna come back to a little bit more

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of those details the other thing I wanted to

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interject here was I've known some great Danes

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and they seem to be the most friendly big Lick

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your face to death wonderful dogs out there Has

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that also been your experience and what do you

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think happened with this particular one that

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day? That has always been my experience. Every

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single grade day, and I've had, count them eight.

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Just things that are pocket -paddle size, crawl

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up in your lap, lean on you, love you, lick you.

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Just follow you everywhere. I've never had to

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leash one of mine. They just, they want to touch

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you all the time. So they follow you everywhere

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you go. I have a son, he's 12 now, when he was

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an infant. I had two great tanks. He would roll

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all over them, play in the floor. He'd run himself

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until he fell over to take a nap. And they would

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be on either side guarding him. Abigail would

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sleep in front of his door. Yeah, they're just

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not aggressive animals at all. And I have to

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believe that with this particular one, he was

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abandoned and forced to survive. which Great

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Danes, the ones I've had, they're not the survivor

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type. They're very dependent. And so I think

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that he had to fight for his life in the wild.

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And for whatever reason, he was triggered by

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the dogs in the backfield that day and felt like

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he had to do what was necessary to guard his

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space and attacking me. He had not been with

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me that long, a month. He had just a bad beginning.

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And like Amelia, she had a bad beginning. It

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took me a year to socialize her. She was scared

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of everything. A loud noise. She would run through

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the house, pooping, hiding in the closet. And

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so that they all come from a different background,

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just like humans. And what we have to do to survive,

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they have to do too. It wasn't that he wanted

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to attack me. It was that that was what he knew.

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That was all he knew. I'm glad you cleared that

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up because I don't want people to think that

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Great Danes are bad, mean, aggressive dogs because

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in general they're not. Something with that one

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had some kind of a history. and it snapped. Oh

00:13:26.559 --> 00:13:30.440
yeah, now adopt another one. I will have to have

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another one. So that's not going to hold me back.

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I have no fear of dogs. My son loves to go to

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animal control and visit all the pups and play

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with them. My friend of mine got a brand new

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rescue. Let that dog right in my face. So there's

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no fear of the animal. It's understanding that

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that poor guy had a traumatic start. All right.

00:13:58.639 --> 00:14:01.559
Let's talk about what you described as floating

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floating. Yeah, it was uh Interesting and it

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was I can't tell you how I made it out of the

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door and I'm not Positive that I opened the door

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because those sliders are quite difficult to

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open But I do remember being outside on the patio.

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So my brain skips between being inside and hearing

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teeth against my skull to laying outside. I didn't

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know what to do. I sat. And when I sat is when

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I just felt light, like I was just floating.

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And that's when there was the light. I remember

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standing up. And again, I don't feel my feet

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on the pavement, but I remember standing up.

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It's just a light. feeling almost as if you're

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suspended in water. Somebody's turned the lights

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out and all you can see is the pole light right

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there in front of you. That's the closest thing

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I can compare it to. And the noise is just white

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noise. It's just noise, not scary, not harps

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playing, but just noise, just static. And there's

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nothing scary to look at. And that's what I remember.

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And I remember seeing the same thing when I was

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sitting in my neighbor's house in their living

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room, just focusing on that light and that noise.

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I remember not really being able to hold my head

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up and just feeling like I was melting. You also

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used the word peace. When did you feel that?

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When I made it outside, when I remember waking

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up outside, it was peace. I have no memory or

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sensation of pain from the point that I was sitting

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outside until I woke up in the ambulance. No

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pain, no fear. So the emotions of peace and fear

00:16:00.200 --> 00:16:04.279
are very opposite, right? Most people would be

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so struck with fear at that point. That would

00:16:07.700 --> 00:16:10.360
be a normal human reaction, I would believe,

00:16:10.440 --> 00:16:13.879
wouldn't it? Yes, and I remember the point of

00:16:13.879 --> 00:16:20.190
fear and that level of Knowing you're dying is

00:16:20.190 --> 00:16:24.029
nothing that can be placed into the English language,

00:16:24.250 --> 00:16:28.929
any language in words. There's nothing more terrifying

00:16:28.929 --> 00:16:32.350
than knowing you're dying and feeling yourself

00:16:32.350 --> 00:16:36.710
dying and knowing that you didn't get to say

00:16:36.710 --> 00:16:40.669
goodbye and that this is it. This is it. And

00:16:40.669 --> 00:16:43.850
this was only about a year and a half ago. So

00:16:43.850 --> 00:16:46.940
I think you're still processing some of it. whether

00:16:46.940 --> 00:16:51.000
you left your body or not, something spiritual

00:16:51.000 --> 00:16:54.720
happened. And I wish you could think of more

00:16:54.720 --> 00:16:58.019
about what kind of whoever was holding your hand

00:16:58.019 --> 00:17:00.600
in the ambulance, because I'd love to drill down

00:17:00.600 --> 00:17:02.860
on that, but you don't have any other memory,

00:17:02.940 --> 00:17:07.660
do you? You know, I've tried. I even tried hypnosis

00:17:07.660 --> 00:17:11.170
so that I could see her face. I recognize the

00:17:11.170 --> 00:17:14.329
voice. That's what's interesting is I know the

00:17:14.329 --> 00:17:16.569
voice. And I've told my therapist, I know the

00:17:16.569 --> 00:17:19.569
voice. I've got to know who it is. And I said,

00:17:19.589 --> 00:17:22.170
if I heard it again, I would recognize the voice.

00:17:22.930 --> 00:17:26.069
But you know it's female. I do. It's definitely

00:17:26.069 --> 00:17:29.450
a female. And what did she say exactly to you?

00:17:30.089 --> 00:17:32.710
You're not going to die. It's not time yet. It's

00:17:32.710 --> 00:17:34.970
going to be OK. It's going to hurt. It's going

00:17:34.970 --> 00:17:38.740
to be OK. We're here. I'm not leaving you. kept

00:17:38.740 --> 00:17:40.859
hearing over and over, I'm not leaving you, you're

00:17:40.859 --> 00:17:43.539
not dying. I'm not leaving you, you're not dying.

00:17:43.799 --> 00:17:47.940
You've got more to do was one of the takeaways.

00:17:48.059 --> 00:17:50.819
You've got more to do. I'm like, how am I going

00:17:50.819 --> 00:17:54.519
to be able to do anything? I feel what's going

00:17:54.519 --> 00:17:57.960
on. By that time, you have the wherewithal to

00:17:57.960 --> 00:18:00.819
know that where you're going, you're not going

00:18:00.819 --> 00:18:04.680
to get to leave any time soon. That was a very

00:18:04.680 --> 00:18:09.990
hard reality. knowing that I don't know when

00:18:09.990 --> 00:18:14.150
I'm coming back home and not knowing I was angry

00:18:14.150 --> 00:18:17.789
because I'm like, I just want to go back there,

00:18:18.170 --> 00:18:20.789
back there. No, we can't go back there. You're

00:18:20.789 --> 00:18:23.910
not ready. You can't go back. You know, I was

00:18:23.910 --> 00:18:27.529
so angry for the longest time that I could not

00:18:27.529 --> 00:18:30.970
go back. And you'd look after an experience like

00:18:30.970 --> 00:18:34.470
that and you're in this place of peace and happiness

00:18:34.470 --> 00:18:38.099
and The world isn't so heavy on your shoulders,

00:18:38.640 --> 00:18:42.400
and you can't go back. You have to stay here.

00:18:42.880 --> 00:18:46.359
That's the hardest thing. Dying isn't scary.

00:18:47.259 --> 00:18:51.839
Death is not scary. It's beautiful. It's so peaceful.

00:18:52.779 --> 00:18:56.059
Living is the scary part, and you want to go

00:18:56.059 --> 00:19:00.869
back to that light. You want to go and see, you

00:19:00.869 --> 00:19:03.410
want more of that light, you want more of that

00:19:03.410 --> 00:19:06.930
noise, you want more of that experience. Is that

00:19:06.930 --> 00:19:09.150
the end of the experience or is there something

00:19:09.150 --> 00:19:13.710
else that you remember? I remember being in the

00:19:13.710 --> 00:19:15.690
living room knowing that I had to guard my neck

00:19:15.690 --> 00:19:20.130
and I had to get the focus off of what was going

00:19:20.130 --> 00:19:23.069
on and have a reason to just fight. You think

00:19:23.069 --> 00:19:26.329
of any other reason to get back up, keep pushing

00:19:26.329 --> 00:19:30.250
and By that time, I had lost a lot of blood.

00:19:30.529 --> 00:19:34.430
But I remember almost like a slideshow or a movie,

00:19:34.450 --> 00:19:43.150
a video of my childhood and me and my dad outside

00:19:43.150 --> 00:19:47.049
by the pool just as it was placed in. And I remember

00:19:47.049 --> 00:19:51.990
his swimsuit. I remember what the ground looked

00:19:51.990 --> 00:19:54.430
like. It was still red mud. There was no concrete.

00:19:55.940 --> 00:19:58.720
And I remember jumping in the water with him.

00:19:59.299 --> 00:20:02.319
And that's what death felt like. Just jumping

00:20:02.319 --> 00:20:07.799
in the water and being done and just that exhilaration

00:20:07.799 --> 00:20:10.880
flowing through your body. And I remember the

00:20:10.880 --> 00:20:13.500
same thing being at the beach with him and him

00:20:13.500 --> 00:20:16.480
letting me ride the waves as a little one and

00:20:16.480 --> 00:20:20.000
just feeling that experience. And I can tell

00:20:20.000 --> 00:20:22.079
you the color of his swimsuit, it was yellow.

00:20:22.400 --> 00:20:26.549
And the other one was orange. I'm way too short,

00:20:26.869 --> 00:20:31.730
but I remember those childhood moments and being

00:20:31.730 --> 00:20:36.609
at home, laying on Daisy, our first dog, and

00:20:36.609 --> 00:20:40.369
playing with her little puppies. And that's where

00:20:40.369 --> 00:20:45.150
I went in that moment, and I just had to get

00:20:45.150 --> 00:20:51.609
back to them. I had to get back to that, but

00:20:51.609 --> 00:20:54.890
that place to me in that moment was that light.

00:20:55.130 --> 00:20:57.730
Because that's what I saw. I had to get back

00:20:57.730 --> 00:21:02.349
to those memories and to that happiness and to

00:21:02.349 --> 00:21:06.269
that peace. I didn't want to wake back up where

00:21:06.269 --> 00:21:09.529
I was. I didn't want to face what was coming.

00:21:10.509 --> 00:21:14.150
I wanted to go back to that. And it was very

00:21:14.150 --> 00:21:18.089
hard. And that's where the anger came in, is

00:21:18.089 --> 00:21:21.930
why do I have to come back to this? And so that's

00:21:21.930 --> 00:21:25.289
been the... Obviously, the most emotional part

00:21:25.289 --> 00:21:31.250
for me is I can't go back there yet. But my childhood,

00:21:31.650 --> 00:21:34.730
beautiful memories that were just the time I

00:21:34.730 --> 00:21:38.430
had and the time I will have with my parents.

00:21:38.970 --> 00:21:43.309
But I had never before remembered any of that.

00:21:43.349 --> 00:21:46.670
I was far too young. When I fact checked with

00:21:46.670 --> 00:21:51.369
my mom, it was correct. I remembered it correctly,

00:21:51.789 --> 00:21:54.299
colors and all. And these are times from when

00:21:54.299 --> 00:21:57.500
you were a baby or a very young child? Yep, nine

00:21:57.500 --> 00:22:01.259
months, nine months roughly. Six, nine months.

00:22:01.559 --> 00:22:04.160
How has all of this changed your life? You're

00:22:04.160 --> 00:22:07.240
a different person. I am. I am a very different

00:22:07.240 --> 00:22:12.059
person. Family's first. Work's second. Money,

00:22:12.220 --> 00:22:14.740
you really, when you're laying there, it doesn't

00:22:14.740 --> 00:22:18.539
matter. I have always been one that worked never.

00:22:18.890 --> 00:22:21.230
cared about taking a vacation. I was going to

00:22:21.230 --> 00:22:24.250
cash in on the vacation. Now I take the vacation.

00:22:24.470 --> 00:22:28.210
When I finally was well enough, well, prior,

00:22:28.569 --> 00:22:32.109
my parents came to see me after I was out of

00:22:32.109 --> 00:22:36.269
the hospital. I was in that angry phase of things.

00:22:36.269 --> 00:22:40.390
And it wasn't until they'd left that I realized

00:22:40.390 --> 00:22:44.269
how much I needed them. And I think the second

00:22:44.269 --> 00:22:49.099
they pulled out of my driveway, I... I packed

00:22:49.099 --> 00:22:52.519
my suitcase, put Amelia in the car, and we went

00:22:52.519 --> 00:22:55.180
home for what was going to be a week. It ended

00:22:55.180 --> 00:22:58.460
up being four months. And I just stayed. I was

00:22:58.460 --> 00:23:02.700
with my mom, my dad, my aunts, my uncles, my

00:23:02.700 --> 00:23:07.279
cousins. That was very healing for me. Just being

00:23:07.279 --> 00:23:10.880
around the people you love and not worrying about

00:23:10.880 --> 00:23:14.460
anything else. Not worrying about status quo's

00:23:14.460 --> 00:23:18.140
or... societal opinions or how much money's in

00:23:18.140 --> 00:23:22.519
the bank. Just spending the moments with the

00:23:22.519 --> 00:23:26.680
people you love and just having those hugs and

00:23:26.680 --> 00:23:31.599
those conversations. I would not change a single

00:23:31.599 --> 00:23:33.599
day of that four months. I just wish I could

00:23:33.599 --> 00:23:37.299
have extended it even more. Priorities certainly

00:23:37.299 --> 00:23:40.579
shift when you wake up. What mattered before

00:23:40.579 --> 00:23:43.910
doesn't matter anymore. I don't have anybody

00:23:43.910 --> 00:23:49.950
to impress. I don't have any kind of legacy,

00:23:50.309 --> 00:23:54.170
anything to leave, other than every day I encounter

00:23:54.170 --> 00:23:57.250
an angel. That's one day they take the shovel

00:23:57.250 --> 00:23:59.930
out of my hand, and that's what I say. You know,

00:24:00.109 --> 00:24:02.690
God, if I've got to live here, put an angel in

00:24:02.690 --> 00:24:04.809
front of me that takes the shovel, because I

00:24:04.809 --> 00:24:07.670
want to dig my own grave. And He's done that.

00:24:07.769 --> 00:24:11.069
He's done that every day in the most unsuspecting

00:24:11.069 --> 00:24:14.730
places. somebody comes by and takes the shovel

00:24:14.730 --> 00:24:17.430
out of my hand. That's all we can do is take

00:24:17.430 --> 00:24:21.130
it day by day. That's beautiful. Last thing,

00:24:21.329 --> 00:24:24.509
any advice for someone that has just been going

00:24:24.509 --> 00:24:28.410
through a really difficult, really difficult

00:24:28.410 --> 00:24:30.750
something, whether it's a regular trial or something

00:24:30.750 --> 00:24:35.410
hugely physical as well as emotional? Feel. Feel.

00:24:35.910 --> 00:24:39.630
If you're mad, be mad. If you're sad, cry. If

00:24:39.630 --> 00:24:44.880
you're hurt, Be hurt. Don't pretend you're something

00:24:44.880 --> 00:24:46.960
that you're not because that's what I did and

00:24:46.960 --> 00:24:49.740
it nearly killed me. Pretending I'm happy, pretending

00:24:49.740 --> 00:24:52.880
I'm well, pretending I'm okay when I wasn't.

00:24:53.240 --> 00:24:58.579
Live your truth. Hurt. Feel. Cry. Do it in public.

00:24:59.759 --> 00:25:04.259
Because until you feel, you don't know why you

00:25:04.259 --> 00:25:06.859
feel. You don't know what's behind it. There's

00:25:06.859 --> 00:25:10.460
so much emotion. For me, there was so much emotion

00:25:10.460 --> 00:25:13.359
that I didn't know what was behind it. There

00:25:13.359 --> 00:25:17.559
was more. I wasn't mad at the dog. I wasn't mad

00:25:17.559 --> 00:25:22.079
at anybody. I was just mad. When I finally was

00:25:22.079 --> 00:25:25.759
able to work the anger out, I was able to cry.

00:25:26.019 --> 00:25:29.980
And I'm not a crier. The fact that I cried on

00:25:29.980 --> 00:25:35.240
this podcast is pretty remarkable. That's a huge

00:25:35.240 --> 00:25:39.660
hurdle that I jumped. I don't cry. And I've learned

00:25:39.660 --> 00:25:43.920
to cry. And I've learned to be sad. And I've

00:25:43.920 --> 00:25:49.519
learned to find the emotion that's real. That's

00:25:49.519 --> 00:25:53.359
the book. It took a turn because where I started

00:25:53.359 --> 00:25:57.039
wasn't where I ended up. The message changed

00:25:57.039 --> 00:26:02.640
completely as I understood myself. And the most

00:26:02.640 --> 00:26:06.740
difficult part to understand is that while I'm

00:26:06.740 --> 00:26:09.460
living, breathing, and seeing myself in a mirror,

00:26:09.880 --> 00:26:12.839
I've got to grieve my own death because the life

00:26:12.839 --> 00:26:16.779
I had before is gone. Those people that were

00:26:16.779 --> 00:26:20.920
there before, their life went on. While I was

00:26:20.920 --> 00:26:23.839
in the hospital, while I was in wound care, they

00:26:23.839 --> 00:26:28.359
kept living. And I can't pick back up six months

00:26:28.359 --> 00:26:32.259
later and expect everything to be the same. My

00:26:32.259 --> 00:26:36.880
life stopped. Theirs went on. And I've got to

00:26:36.880 --> 00:26:40.160
grieve the death of that life. And when you go

00:26:40.160 --> 00:26:43.539
through anything traumatic, you're not supposed

00:26:43.539 --> 00:26:46.059
to be the same. You're not supposed to come out

00:26:46.059 --> 00:26:48.440
the same on the other side. It's impossible.

00:26:49.119 --> 00:26:52.309
You're different. Time does not heal those wounds.

00:26:52.569 --> 00:26:54.750
You can't sit there and wait for life to go back

00:26:54.750 --> 00:26:59.109
to the way it is. Time changes you. Time doesn't

00:26:59.109 --> 00:27:02.390
heal. It just changes you. And you have to embrace

00:27:02.390 --> 00:27:06.470
that. And if it's been five years, 15 years,

00:27:06.490 --> 00:27:09.710
50 years ago, and you're still sad, you're still

00:27:09.710 --> 00:27:12.809
struggling, good. That was important to you.

00:27:13.069 --> 00:27:16.769
You should still be sad. You should still feel

00:27:16.769 --> 00:27:20.660
the love that was. We're not supposed to just

00:27:20.660 --> 00:27:24.720
turn off human emotion and move on like nothing

00:27:24.720 --> 00:27:29.500
happened. We're supposed to remember what was,

00:27:29.740 --> 00:27:34.160
embrace it, love it, feel what was, and make

00:27:34.160 --> 00:27:37.460
today better because of it. We're not supposed

00:27:37.460 --> 00:27:39.539
to leave it behind, close the book, and move

00:27:39.539 --> 00:27:43.319
on. And I'm so sick of people saying, just get

00:27:43.319 --> 00:27:48.809
over it. No, no, don't just get over it. That's

00:27:48.809 --> 00:27:53.150
not love. You don't just get over the love you

00:27:53.150 --> 00:27:57.470
have for yourself or for the loved one that you

00:27:57.470 --> 00:28:01.269
lost or the friends, the boyfriend, the dog.

00:28:01.369 --> 00:28:05.630
I still cry now over my first Great Day Napgal.

00:28:07.089 --> 00:28:11.809
It's time to normalize pain. It's time to say

00:28:11.809 --> 00:28:14.630
it's okay to cry in public. It's okay to voice.

00:28:14.910 --> 00:28:18.519
It's okay. You're stronger. If you're not okay,

00:28:18.819 --> 00:28:21.880
then if you run around pretending you're okay,

00:28:22.420 --> 00:28:25.740
you can't do it. And you should be able to talk

00:28:25.740 --> 00:28:29.799
about it whenever, however you want to. And if

00:28:29.799 --> 00:28:32.900
nobody will listen to you, I will. I'll listen.

00:28:33.180 --> 00:28:35.400
I'll give your phone number out to everybody.

00:28:36.440 --> 00:28:39.859
I'm kidding. I would not do that. But Chelsea,

00:28:40.380 --> 00:28:43.299
you are a strong person and thank you so much

00:28:43.299 --> 00:28:46.339
for sharing all of this with us today. I hope

00:28:46.339 --> 00:28:49.140
that. I hope there's one person out there that

00:28:49.140 --> 00:28:53.079
just needs to know it's okay to be sad. It's

00:28:53.079 --> 00:28:57.519
okay to be sad. It is. We grow from those normal

00:28:57.519 --> 00:29:04.200
human emotions and we evolve. And I today am

00:29:04.200 --> 00:29:08.380
much more compassionate and empathetic to anyone

00:29:08.380 --> 00:29:11.079
and everyone that I encounter because you just

00:29:11.079 --> 00:29:14.339
don't know what kind of day they've had. We hear

00:29:14.339 --> 00:29:16.910
it all the time, but... Take that seriously.

00:29:17.630 --> 00:29:20.930
You don't know what they're facing or what they

00:29:20.930 --> 00:29:25.450
have faced. So just be compassionate. Live with

00:29:25.450 --> 00:29:29.430
love. Thanks again for listening and sharing

00:29:29.430 --> 00:29:31.730
this podcast. Don't forget to hit the follow

00:29:31.730 --> 00:29:34.609
or subscribe button and sign up for our newsletter

00:29:34.609 --> 00:29:37.759
at roundtriptest .com. If you want to share your

00:29:37.759 --> 00:29:40.200
near -death experience, or if you have questions

00:29:40.200 --> 00:29:42.900
or comments about the show, send an email to

00:29:42.900 --> 00:29:46.380
eric at roundtripdeath .com. Until then, I wish

00:29:46.380 --> 00:29:48.259
you everything good that you're looking for in

00:29:48.259 --> 00:29:49.920
this life and the next.