Heather Vandermeyden suffered from an extreme case of ulcerative colitis. She became septic and had to undergo multiple (total of 13) surgeries. During her time in the ICU and in surgeries, Heather lefter her body at least …
Kate discusses her experience publicly for the first time. This is a podcast about NDEs (Near Death Experiences), but when we hear an experience as beautiful as Kate's, we have to share. In 2022, Kate Quay's good friend was …
* FOLLOW this Podcast. Jacob Cooper is a mental health professional whose life has been significantly influenced by his near death experience as a child. Imagine not being able to breath, finally surrendering "to eternal pow…
Susie (Abetha, Spain) developed a large brain tumor and was given only 3 weeks to live. After a few days in the hospital, she woke up knowing that she would die that day. As death came on, her spirit came out of the top of …
Mike McKinsey didn't realize that his appendix had burst when he started feeling gut pain. Three days later he finally went to the Emergency Room and was diagnosed, needing an emergency appendectomy. Before he felt like he …
Father Nigel Mumford has had 2 most unusual and profound NDEs! The first happened while serving in the Royal Marines as a Green Beret. During a scuba diving outing he was saved from drowning, but not before seeing a tunnel…
Steve shares his NDE publicly for the first time. Steve Childs is a former U.S. Marine. In 2009 he suffered a series of heart attacks which led to triple bypass surgery. During surgery he actually woke up while the surgeon…