March 17, 2025

Kimberly Meets Jesus In Her NDE

Kimberly Meets Jesus In Her NDE
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Kimberly Meets Jesus In Her NDE

In this conversation, Kimberly Kennedy shares her profound near death experience (NDE) following a serious heart condition that went undiagnosed for years.

She recounts the day of her medical emergency, the feelings of fear and regret she experienced during her NDE, and the transformative encounter with the Savior that filled her with love and hope.

She remembers the feeling of exhilaration she felt as her spirit left her body, and the joy of meeting her sister and great grandmother.

Kimberly reflects on the lessons learned from her experience, including the importance of forgiveness, the value of life, and the hope that comes from gratitude and connection with others. Her story is one of resilience, personal growth, and the enduring power of hope.


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00:00:03.740 --> 00:00:06.719
From the time that they pronounced me dead was

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a good 45 minutes. They cut my clothes and then

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they paddled my heart, my heart had stopped and

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I could see people screaming and crying but I

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didn't realize that was actually my physical

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body because I was somewhere else. The only thing

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that I could feel if you could imagine absolute

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love and peace, there wasn't anything else to

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be felt. I was greeted by people I'd known in

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the past. I'm back home again. Incredibly safe

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and felt at home. Welcome, welcome to Round Trip

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Death, everybody. And a special welcome to our

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guest, Kimberly Kennedy, who is in Las Vegas,

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Nevada. What's it like in Nevada today? Oh, my

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goodness. The weather is so pretty. It's very

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nice out today. It's not too hot. Still a little

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chilly, but it's beautiful. Now, for people that

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have not spent much time in Las Vegas, they probably

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think all there is is the Las Vegas strip and

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all the neon lights and all that kind of stuff.

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But there's actually over a million regular people

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that actually live in that valley. Would you

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say you fall into that category? Yes, absolutely.

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Las Vegas is my home and I love it here. I've

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spent a lot of time there on business and have

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friends there and they love it. I get it. I don't

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get the love on the hundred and fifteen degree

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days in the summer, but I love it. I love it.

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Good. Well, we're going to jump right into this.

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You had a really special experience that we're

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going to hear about. And before we do, I'm going

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to give you just one minute to tell us a little

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bit about Kimberly. What do you do in Vegas?

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Like I said, I've lived in Las Vegas my entire

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life. Most recently, my latest and greatest on

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me is I just got married. And so not only am

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I a brand new wife, but I also have got four

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stepchildren now. And so I'm an instant mom,

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and it's the best. I love it. That is so fun.

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Congratulations on both being a newlywed and

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a newly mother. I love it. Yes, it brings me

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true joy. Great. Let's talk about your physical

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health as you were growing up because it has

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something to do with the experience that you

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had about 20 years ago when it all came to a

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culmination. You had an undiagnosed issue from

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childhood that got worse as you got older. Give

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us some background. Tell us what it was like.

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So I was born with a genetic heart defect that

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causes when My heart beats instead of the electrical

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pulse going out to the rest of my body, like

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my arms and my legs, my brain, like everybody's

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does, so normally and naturally, like we don't

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even think about it. It comes so naturally, but...

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When I was born, I was born this way, I was born

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with a genetic heart defect that causes, it's

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got an electrical pathway, an extra one, that

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causes when my heart beats instead of going out

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like it should, it just goes around and around

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and around and around in a circle, and it causes

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me to go into AFib or VTAC. the superventricular

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tachycardia was the official term and diagnosis

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that I was given. Now, relate that in regular

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words. What does that mean for the rest of us?

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Fast heartbeat? Yeah, super, super quick. So

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that day it ended up getting to 240 beats per

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minute. And up until that time, like I said,

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I was 25 years old when this happened. So it's

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been exactly 20 years growing up. never had a

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whole lot of indication. I did on occasion, like

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I said, with the genetic being born with it,

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it was something that when I was put into extreme

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situations physically, on occasion, it would

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manifest in like an extra little heartbeat, but

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nothing like it was that day. And I was very,

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very active. I was busy, busy, busy. So it really

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came out of nowhere. That must have been so scary.

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Yes. It was unexpected. Where were you and what

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did you do? So this is really wild really crazy

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I actually was working at the high school where

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I went to high school at so my alma mater I was

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working there later. What happened that day?

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I had gotten up to go to work And it was like

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any regular day, except I was running a little

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late. I had wanted to shower but hadn't had the

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chance for one. So I ran out the door really

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quick wanting a shower. But I was able to get

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to work on time. made it through the day, and

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then I was getting ready to go home. Everybody

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else had gone home for the day. I was sort of

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last to leave. There were a couple other people

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there, but for the most part, it was just me.

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I was walking out to my car, and as I was walking

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out, I started to feel a little sick. I wasn't

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sure exactly what was going on, but I'm like,

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well, maybe I just need to get home and get a

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little rest. As I got to my car, I realized that

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I felt sick, but I also felt like my heart was

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racing, which was strange because I wasn't running.

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I wasn't doing anything physically strenuous.

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But I know what it feels like. When I go to the

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gym, I get my heart rate up and everybody knows

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what that feels like. But here I was, I was just

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walking and hadn't been doing anything strenuous.

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And I had this feeling of like my heart was just

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racing and running. So I reached out and tried

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to find my pulse and I couldn't. And I said,

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well, maybe if I can just drive myself to the

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hospital, I'll be okay. By the time I got into

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the car, I realized I was in trouble, that there

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was something going on, something was wrong.

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I remember thinking to myself, if I can find

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somebody to call 911, I might be okay. Like I

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had no clue what was going on. So what happened?

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Were you able to call 911? I didn't have access

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to a phone, so I actually ended up having to

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walk a mile back to the main building before

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I found help and before I was able to find a

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co -worker, a couple co -workers who were able

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to call paramedics. The paramedics were really

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confused because I was only 25 years old. I wasn't

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very old and I had never had. symptoms had never

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been diagnosed, but here I was with this heart

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rate, they said, you know, was getting higher

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and skyrocketing. So the paramedics got there.

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It was kind of a really interesting and funny

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interaction. The paramedics got there and I really

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didn't want to go with them. I was just hoping

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that like they would get there and snap their

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fingers. I don't know what I thought they were

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going to do. But I said, I really don't want

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to go. And the one paramedic, I remember he looked

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at me and he said, OK, honey, he says, we can

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get you ready to go. Like we can get you in the

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ambulance, get you ready to go to the hospital

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and take you that way. Or we can wait till your

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blood pressure gets so high that you pass out

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and then we'll take you. Like it was that bad.

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Those were my choices. Great options. Thank you.

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Yeah, thanks. Great options, great choices. And

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I remember thinking at the time, this is not

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fair. Like, this is not right. I want to call

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my husband, you know, at the time who I was married

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to. And it just didn't make sense to me. I was

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25 years old. I was healthy. I said, OK, you

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know, at that time, I made the choice. And I

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look back now on the experience and I realize

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I had a choice at that experience, you know,

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at that moment. Like, I could have stayed there

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and I could have passed out and I could have

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let them do what they did to me. after I was

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passed out. But I think making the choice beforehand

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to take the next right step, which was a scary

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step, but to let somebody who had the experience,

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who knew more what was going on to my own body,

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and I did, to let them kind of step in and do

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what they needed to do and take control and help

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me, and I needed help. Wow, pretty terrifying.

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Did the NDE happen right then or was there more

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before you got into that? It was pretty quick

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after that. Go ahead, tell me what happened next.

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They got me into the ambulance and my heart rate

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was going so fast and it wasn't sending that

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electrical beat out and so my body and trying

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to preserve itself was taking all of the blood

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from my limbs and bringing it to the most essential

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part of your bodies, your organs, make sure that

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they're okay, they're healthy, they're not dying.

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And so because of that, they were having a really,

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really hard time finding an IV for me, really,

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really struggling. But they finally got one in.

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The paramedic looked at me and he says, we're

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gonna give you a shot. And he says, it's thick.

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So I have to push it fast. Like I have to push

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it really quick. He says, and it's gonna hurt.

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I remember like this was literally, I didn't

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really even have a chance to say no. I didn't

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have a choice. This was not really something

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I was able to say no to. I just remember thinking,

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I don't want you to do this. He says, I'm going

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to count to three. That's what he did. He counted

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to three and he said one, two, three, and he

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pushed that shot. It was intense. It was like

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lightning, like I had been kicked in the chest

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by a horse. And it was wild. But when he pushed

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the shot, everything went black. I lost consciousness.

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My spirit flew from my body. I mean, it was this

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exhilaration. When I've tried to write this experience

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and what happened to me out later on, I think

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the first time I wrote it out, I wrote we, like

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W -H -E -E -E, we. It was just this freeing,

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very liberating, but it was beautiful, just exhilarating,

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I think is the word. I love that. So it wasn't

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a horrible, strenuous, you know, death, rip you

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out of your body kind of thing. It was a celebration

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and a We, as you put it, we... I love it. Tell

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us what you experienced. Anything you can remember,

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you saw, you heard, you felt. Give us all the

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detail. I remember this feeling of exhilaration,

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just flying through the darkness. And for a while,

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like it was cool, it was freeing, it was fun.

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And then... I realized somewhere deep inside

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of me that the situation, it was dark, it was

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pitch black. Not only that, but I was alone.

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All of a sudden, I was afraid and honestly full

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of regret. Was this it? Was that life? Was that

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it? I remember. It took me a little while to

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reflect back on this. I see now, it's kind of

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funny. When I was growing up, my mom had this

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picture and I looked at his name. His name was

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John Scott. He had this picture and it's called

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The Last Judgment. And when I was a little girl,

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I remember looking at that picture and I remember

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looking at all the faces and trying to find my

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face. in that picture. And in this picture, there's

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a picture of Christ in the center, and then you've

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got angels, and then you've got kind of this

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little darker area. It was kind of hard when

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I realized that this is something I experienced.

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It was a little hard to reconcile with my conscious

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mind that I felt like I was in a type and sort

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of prison. I know that sounds a little scary.

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It wasn't though like the hell and brimstone

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type of prison or hell afterlife type sort of

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situation that I had ever heard about. This place

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where I was, it was dark and there were mists

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of darkness everywhere. And I remember that there

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was a light and it was coming from somewhere,

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but I didn't know where. And I remember at that

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moment, it was almost like I could see myself.

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And I remember I was sitting somewhere with my

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my hands in my head and I remember just the feelings

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I had were that of regret and that of loss and

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that of a lack of progression, like a loss of

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this lack of progression. It was profound and

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it was deep, deeper than anything I can ever

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remember feeling. I just remember going over

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some of my life's experiences at the time. I

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had struggled with an eating disorder. I'm in

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recovery from that. My husband and I, we were

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not able to have children. That was hard for

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me. One of the harder things that I was dealing

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with at the time. Also, I was dying. My body

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was dying. I was mourning the fact of my own

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death. I was mourning. the fact that I was dying.

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And I remember at that moment, it was so sweet,

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so tender and a little hard to talk about, and

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this might be a little too sacred. But I hope

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that in sharing this that I'm able to share some

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hope. I really feel I had an opportunity to see

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the Savior, to meet the Savior, Jesus Christ.

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I think that, you know, I feel like I had the

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opportunity as I'm mourning. I remember feeling

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a presence. And I remember just, you know, I

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don't know, it's that feeling when someone enters

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the room and you've got your eyes closed, but

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you kind of sort of know that they're still there.

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That's kind of what it felt like. I felt like

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he was watching me. He came over to me and I

00:14:42.889 --> 00:14:45.830
felt he knelt in front of me and he just listened.

00:14:46.649 --> 00:14:51.649
And I bore my soul. I cried and I sobbed and

00:14:51.649 --> 00:14:56.500
I regretted. And I remember hearing him speak

00:14:56.500 --> 00:14:59.559
just two words. I'll never forget him for the

00:14:59.559 --> 00:15:06.240
rest of my life. He said, I know. I know. And

00:15:06.240 --> 00:15:09.440
it was at that moment that my spirit was filled

00:15:09.440 --> 00:15:14.700
with such love that I was in good company and

00:15:14.700 --> 00:15:19.639
that I was not alone and that there was hope.

00:15:20.440 --> 00:15:23.330
There was hope. It's funny. I'll bring this up

00:15:23.330 --> 00:15:25.950
now because I feel like I need to. I really truly

00:15:25.950 --> 00:15:27.929
believe that the only reason why I was able to

00:15:27.929 --> 00:15:31.049
come back is because I did meet with the Savior.

00:15:31.669 --> 00:15:34.870
I think that, you know, in all of the stories

00:15:34.870 --> 00:15:36.970
that I've ever heard and that I know, He's the

00:15:36.970 --> 00:15:41.009
only one who came back, right? So He would know

00:15:41.009 --> 00:15:44.320
how to help me come back. I think that's what

00:15:44.320 --> 00:15:46.360
happened. I think that's one of the things that

00:15:46.360 --> 00:15:50.399
happened. That and there's opposition to all

00:15:50.399 --> 00:15:53.840
things. And in this process, I think that the

00:15:53.840 --> 00:15:56.820
adversary was there. And I think he was absolutely

00:15:56.820 --> 00:15:59.980
trying to convince me that I didn't need to live,

00:16:00.159 --> 00:16:04.179
that nobody needed me. I was not necessarily

00:16:04.179 --> 00:16:07.340
important, but the Spirit confirmed to me that

00:16:07.340 --> 00:16:10.220
my life was very, very valuable. My experience

00:16:10.220 --> 00:16:14.350
was valuable. and that I do matter to others,

00:16:14.350 --> 00:16:18.230
and that I do make a difference. Going back to

00:16:18.230 --> 00:16:21.269
that place, that prison, and that experience

00:16:21.269 --> 00:16:24.529
with the Savior, after I had borne my soul to

00:16:24.529 --> 00:16:27.429
Him, I felt like He gave me these two words,

00:16:27.590 --> 00:16:30.269
I know. And then we talked a little more, like

00:16:30.269 --> 00:16:33.529
I shared with Him some of my regrets, some of

00:16:33.529 --> 00:16:36.190
my sins, some of the things that I had done wrong,

00:16:36.450 --> 00:16:42.659
and that I maybe needed His help with. to restore

00:16:42.659 --> 00:16:45.460
me, to heal me from. You know, he would explain

00:16:45.460 --> 00:16:49.399
to me how he would help me with those things,

00:16:49.799 --> 00:16:53.639
but it always came down to, you know, I would

00:16:53.639 --> 00:16:56.639
always say, but, but it was type, this type of,

00:16:56.759 --> 00:16:59.139
but I've got this, but I've got this, but I've

00:16:59.139 --> 00:17:01.399
got this. And he would like, he would explain

00:17:01.399 --> 00:17:03.600
what needed to be explained to me, but he would

00:17:03.600 --> 00:17:06.220
always kind of sort of end out with, I know,

00:17:06.579 --> 00:17:10.630
like I know. I get it. I know. When I got to

00:17:10.630 --> 00:17:13.049
the point where I was like, okay, this is okay.

00:17:13.269 --> 00:17:16.150
Like, I'm going to be okay. I was still dying.

00:17:16.309 --> 00:17:19.829
And so I had to move through this process. But

00:17:19.829 --> 00:17:22.869
the next place that I went, this is the part

00:17:22.869 --> 00:17:25.950
for me I've had a hard time reflecting back on.

00:17:26.109 --> 00:17:29.150
But I hope after sharing my experience here,

00:17:29.329 --> 00:17:32.029
after listening to some of the experiences on

00:17:32.029 --> 00:17:34.670
your podcast and on your YouTube videos, I'm

00:17:34.670 --> 00:17:37.490
going to be brave. I'm going to be brave and

00:17:37.490 --> 00:17:39.369
I'm going to go back and I'm going to reflect

00:17:39.369 --> 00:17:44.349
on this part. I know that I was brought to a

00:17:44.349 --> 00:17:47.329
beautiful place beyond description, full of love,

00:17:48.029 --> 00:17:51.930
where I believe I met up with my sister. My sister

00:17:51.930 --> 00:17:54.390
accidentally drowned in our family swimming pool

00:17:54.390 --> 00:17:57.349
when she was three. I was only three months old

00:17:57.349 --> 00:18:01.250
when she passed away, but I always felt the spiritual

00:18:01.250 --> 00:18:04.049
connection. My mom always said, you know, that

00:18:04.049 --> 00:18:06.250
my sister was always looking out for me. My sister

00:18:06.250 --> 00:18:08.609
was always kind of our guardian angel watching

00:18:08.609 --> 00:18:12.029
out for our family. And I always felt that. And

00:18:12.029 --> 00:18:14.210
so I feel I had the opportunity to meet her.

00:18:14.269 --> 00:18:17.049
I feel like I had an opportunity to meet my grandma,

00:18:17.289 --> 00:18:21.150
Lynn, who was my great -grandmother. She was

00:18:21.150 --> 00:18:25.529
blind. She raised six kids. She was a widow during

00:18:25.529 --> 00:18:28.829
the Depression. I mean, she was really a great

00:18:28.829 --> 00:18:31.900
woman. And so I feel like I had the opportunity

00:18:31.900 --> 00:18:36.240
to rub elbows with her for a second. And I really

00:18:36.240 --> 00:18:38.799
feel like, you know, that was a special experience

00:18:38.799 --> 00:18:41.880
and opportunity. As great as it was and as lovely

00:18:41.880 --> 00:18:44.539
as it was, my body again, my body was still dying.

00:18:45.279 --> 00:18:49.240
I had to make this decision, this choice to stay

00:18:49.240 --> 00:18:53.259
or to go. It was kind of sort of around this

00:18:53.259 --> 00:18:56.599
time. It all happened really, really quick when

00:18:56.599 --> 00:19:00.509
he push that shot, my spirit just flew out and

00:19:00.509 --> 00:19:03.630
it was we, it was exhilaration. But coming back,

00:19:03.630 --> 00:19:06.549
it was kind of quick too. Once I figured out,

00:19:07.049 --> 00:19:11.009
okay, so when he gave me the shot, it dropped

00:19:11.009 --> 00:19:13.950
my heart rate. So it had dropped my heart rate

00:19:13.950 --> 00:19:17.349
over 100 beats per minute in less than a second.

00:19:17.529 --> 00:19:21.269
And it had knocked the wind out of me. And so

00:19:21.269 --> 00:19:25.730
I needed to in order to breathe in order to come

00:19:25.730 --> 00:19:30.079
back again. I had to breathe again. This is the

00:19:30.079 --> 00:19:32.339
part that I'm like, I'm sure the savior was there

00:19:32.339 --> 00:19:35.680
to help me kind of transition through this and

00:19:35.680 --> 00:19:38.440
help me kind of sort of figure out what I needed

00:19:38.440 --> 00:19:42.400
to do. I knew I needed CPR. You know, when my

00:19:42.400 --> 00:19:46.319
sister passed away, when she drowned, my parents

00:19:46.319 --> 00:19:48.940
made sure that's one of the things we were taught.

00:19:49.039 --> 00:19:52.960
We knew. We knew how to do CPR properly so that

00:19:52.960 --> 00:19:55.359
if ever we were in that situation, we'd be able

00:19:55.359 --> 00:19:58.710
to. to handle it better than she felt that, you

00:19:58.710 --> 00:20:02.230
know, she had not been able to help save her

00:20:02.230 --> 00:20:04.529
daughter. So I knew I had to breathe. I knew

00:20:04.529 --> 00:20:06.930
I had to get my heart to beat again. And I knew

00:20:06.930 --> 00:20:09.109
I needed the circulation, but I couldn't do that

00:20:09.109 --> 00:20:10.769
without breathing. And I couldn't do that without

00:20:10.769 --> 00:20:13.089
a heartbeat. I remember when everything went

00:20:13.089 --> 00:20:15.710
black. I remember eventually, I remember I heard

00:20:15.710 --> 00:20:17.890
a beep. When you're at the hospital, you hear

00:20:17.890 --> 00:20:20.210
the beep or like the register at the scanner

00:20:20.210 --> 00:20:23.730
at the grocery store, that beep. It was kind

00:20:23.730 --> 00:20:26.039
of like that. I realized it was their machine

00:20:26.039 --> 00:20:29.299
going off. I remember hearing a voice that said,

00:20:30.180 --> 00:20:32.859
we're losing her. And then I remember thinking

00:20:32.859 --> 00:20:37.200
to myself, are they talking about me? Like, they're

00:20:37.200 --> 00:20:40.420
losing me. I was laughing so hard because I'm

00:20:40.420 --> 00:20:44.240
like, oh, guys, you haven't lost me. I'm gone.

00:20:44.440 --> 00:20:47.599
I am not even here. How can you say you're losing

00:20:47.599 --> 00:20:49.960
me? Like, I'm not even here. I'm gone. Then I

00:20:49.960 --> 00:20:53.680
remember hearing a voice that said, Kimberly.

00:20:54.119 --> 00:20:58.880
stay with us. And I knew in order to do that,

00:20:58.880 --> 00:21:01.980
I had to breathe again if I was going to stay

00:21:01.980 --> 00:21:06.740
alive. So I took that first breath of air by

00:21:06.740 --> 00:21:09.339
the, you know, miracle. It was a miracle. The

00:21:09.339 --> 00:21:12.779
way I describe it and can describe it is I remember

00:21:12.779 --> 00:21:14.980
the first time I was swinging on my family swing

00:21:14.980 --> 00:21:17.579
set and I fell off backwards and I knocked the

00:21:17.579 --> 00:21:20.519
wind out of myself. And taking that first breath

00:21:20.519 --> 00:21:24.230
of air kind of felt a little like that. Okay,

00:21:24.930 --> 00:21:28.170
I've got 30 ,000 questions to throw at you. This

00:21:28.170 --> 00:21:31.470
is amazing. Thank you again for sharing. And

00:21:31.470 --> 00:21:34.650
in case I didn't mention it earlier, you are

00:21:34.650 --> 00:21:36.910
sharing for the first time in a public forum

00:21:36.910 --> 00:21:39.910
like this. I appreciate your bravery and your

00:21:39.910 --> 00:21:43.849
trusting us to put it out there. And so if anything

00:21:43.849 --> 00:21:46.549
that I ask feels uncomfortable to you, please,

00:21:46.569 --> 00:21:50.210
you don't need to answer. But let's start with

00:21:50.210 --> 00:21:53.309
whose voice do you think that was? that said,

00:21:53.309 --> 00:21:55.630
Kimberly, stay with us. Was that the paramedics

00:21:55.630 --> 00:21:59.049
or somebody else? My first thought was it was

00:21:59.049 --> 00:22:02.890
probably heaven. It was probably heaven, a little

00:22:02.890 --> 00:22:05.250
piece of heaven. I think it was probably the

00:22:05.250 --> 00:22:07.769
paramedic, too. It was really strange, though,

00:22:08.029 --> 00:22:10.670
because at the time, it sounds kind of funny

00:22:10.670 --> 00:22:15.599
now, I actually, most people called me Kim. I've

00:22:15.599 --> 00:22:17.900
tried to go back and I've tried to remember like

00:22:17.900 --> 00:22:20.019
when the paramedics, that's one of the questions

00:22:20.019 --> 00:22:22.240
they usually first ask you when they get on the

00:22:22.240 --> 00:22:24.779
scene, what's your name? And at the time I was

00:22:24.779 --> 00:22:28.579
going by Kim. And so it was really, really strange

00:22:28.579 --> 00:22:31.480
to hear Kimberley. And that's one of the reasons

00:22:31.480 --> 00:22:34.039
why I kind of think it was, I think it was heaven.

00:22:34.759 --> 00:22:37.980
Tell me how literal some of this was. Was it

00:22:37.980 --> 00:22:40.619
more, I don't know, kind of... kind of something

00:22:40.619 --> 00:22:44.220
that you felt or that you actually saw and experienced

00:22:44.220 --> 00:22:48.160
deeply with? You mentioned meeting your sister

00:22:48.160 --> 00:22:52.480
and your great grandmother. It is as real as

00:22:52.480 --> 00:22:54.839
the conversation that we're having right now,

00:22:55.279 --> 00:22:59.779
Eric. Oh, so it was virtual. I get it. I'm kidding.

00:23:00.880 --> 00:23:04.299
Well, to be honest with you, I've actually had

00:23:04.299 --> 00:23:06.519
kind of sort of that type of sort of thought.

00:23:06.680 --> 00:23:10.789
So when COVID happened, One of the things that

00:23:10.789 --> 00:23:14.089
was the hardest for me is not touching people.

00:23:14.809 --> 00:23:17.890
And I really feel like in the pre -existence

00:23:17.890 --> 00:23:20.109
before I ended up with my body, that's probably

00:23:20.109 --> 00:23:23.029
one of the things I wanted to do most was put

00:23:23.029 --> 00:23:25.690
my arms around somebody and experience what a

00:23:25.690 --> 00:23:30.549
touch felt like. For me, it was kind of eye -opening

00:23:30.549 --> 00:23:34.750
that we would ever be put into a situation again.

00:23:35.079 --> 00:23:36.940
where we wouldn't be able to touch each other.

00:23:37.019 --> 00:23:40.460
I think it's awful, right? It's been rough. Virtual

00:23:40.460 --> 00:23:43.579
is great because you can't always get in person,

00:23:43.900 --> 00:23:46.000
but technology, yeah, it's great when it works,

00:23:46.039 --> 00:23:49.720
but when it doesn't, it's a hassle. Next time

00:23:49.720 --> 00:23:52.119
I'm in Vegas, I'm dropping by for a hug for a

00:23:52.119 --> 00:23:55.039
second, and then I'll be gone. Tell me a little

00:23:55.039 --> 00:23:58.710
bit if you... can, a little bit more about the

00:23:58.710 --> 00:24:01.450
meeting with Jesus. Was that something also where

00:24:01.450 --> 00:24:04.630
you felt like you saw Him face to face or just

00:24:04.630 --> 00:24:08.329
felt His presence there? It was Him. I think

00:24:08.329 --> 00:24:13.529
He was probably the only one who could make me

00:24:13.529 --> 00:24:18.190
feel the way I felt. Okay, so I think it's different

00:24:18.190 --> 00:24:22.160
because I didn't have my physical eyes on me

00:24:22.160 --> 00:24:24.980
at the time, right? So how could I really see

00:24:24.980 --> 00:24:28.740
him physically without those physical eyes? It

00:24:28.740 --> 00:24:34.240
was as real, like I feel like I saw him as real

00:24:34.240 --> 00:24:37.480
as seeing you on screen today. So it was a little

00:24:37.480 --> 00:24:40.539
different because I didn't have my physical eyes.

00:24:40.740 --> 00:24:43.799
So I can't really, I don't feel comfortable saying

00:24:43.799 --> 00:24:50.890
that I saw him, but I saw him. I saw America.

00:24:51.210 --> 00:24:54.190
I saw him. You experienced him, definitely. What

00:24:54.190 --> 00:24:58.069
do you make of the darkness and the mist and

00:24:58.069 --> 00:25:00.789
the regret and stuff that you felt at first?

00:25:00.849 --> 00:25:03.309
Why do you think that happened? It's interesting

00:25:03.309 --> 00:25:07.710
because I actually, and I've, like I said, I

00:25:07.710 --> 00:25:11.069
never shared really on a public platform before.

00:25:11.250 --> 00:25:14.029
And it might sound a little funny and it sounds

00:25:14.029 --> 00:25:17.150
really weird saying it. I was comfortable there.

00:25:17.309 --> 00:25:20.529
Eric. I was comfortable there. I was comfortable

00:25:20.529 --> 00:25:23.730
in prison, which is weird for me to say because

00:25:23.730 --> 00:25:26.029
I've never been in prison. It's not something

00:25:26.029 --> 00:25:32.430
I've ever wanted to do. But in this place, I

00:25:32.430 --> 00:25:35.349
felt comfortable. And looking back and talking

00:25:35.349 --> 00:25:38.910
with you now, I think maybe in part it has to

00:25:38.910 --> 00:25:43.750
do with we need a place where we can lay it all

00:25:43.750 --> 00:25:48.049
down. We need a place where we can let it go,

00:25:48.390 --> 00:25:55.250
where individually we can let it go. And when

00:25:55.250 --> 00:26:00.109
we are able to then let it go and move on and

00:26:00.109 --> 00:26:04.029
move forward and progress, our world opens up.

00:26:04.190 --> 00:26:09.349
It becomes beautiful and hope and possibilities

00:26:09.349 --> 00:26:13.769
open up. Ask the question again, Eric. No, I

00:26:13.769 --> 00:26:17.769
was asking about the darkness and the mist and

00:26:17.769 --> 00:26:20.490
just why do you think you were in that kind of

00:26:20.490 --> 00:26:24.589
a place that felt scary versus feeling that all

00:26:24.589 --> 00:26:27.769
-encompassing love that came later? I was watching

00:26:27.769 --> 00:26:30.950
one of your other YouTube and you asked a good

00:26:30.950 --> 00:26:33.210
question, and I think this relates. I think this

00:26:33.210 --> 00:26:36.910
will tie in. You asked, are you afraid of death?

00:26:37.650 --> 00:26:40.150
And I've got to be honest, if I were to answer

00:26:40.150 --> 00:26:43.359
that question, I would say I used to be afraid

00:26:43.359 --> 00:26:47.180
of death before this experience. Right now, what

00:26:47.180 --> 00:26:50.059
I'm afraid of is regrets. Like, I'm more afraid

00:26:50.059 --> 00:26:52.759
of the regrets that I'll have to bring back.

00:26:53.019 --> 00:26:55.480
But even then, I'm not even really afraid of

00:26:55.480 --> 00:27:00.059
that because I know that I can lay it down and

00:27:00.059 --> 00:27:02.579
I can give it away, I can give it back, and I

00:27:02.579 --> 00:27:04.500
don't have to carry it alone. I'm not alone.

00:27:04.680 --> 00:27:06.480
No, that's good. We're going to come back to

00:27:06.480 --> 00:27:09.099
a little bit of this in a minute. I'm curious

00:27:09.099 --> 00:27:11.759
just if you could wrap up physically what happened

00:27:11.759 --> 00:27:15.480
to you. Did you need surgery? How did you get

00:27:15.480 --> 00:27:18.740
fixed from this, your broken heart? I came to,

00:27:18.839 --> 00:27:21.339
they gave me the shot. I took that first breath

00:27:21.339 --> 00:27:23.940
of air. When I took that first breath of air,

00:27:24.299 --> 00:27:26.640
what had happened, my heart rate had gone from

00:27:26.640 --> 00:27:31.599
140 beats per minute to 126 and it felt good.

00:27:31.920 --> 00:27:36.869
I think that I was having kind of an after effect.

00:27:37.170 --> 00:27:39.569
That's the only word I can come up with. Maybe

00:27:39.569 --> 00:27:41.829
you can help me come up with a better word. But

00:27:41.829 --> 00:27:44.450
as soon as I took that first breath, I opened

00:27:44.450 --> 00:27:51.009
my eyes. I was staring into this paled face paramedic.

00:27:51.589 --> 00:27:58.809
And I laughed. I laughed so hard. And he was

00:27:58.809 --> 00:28:02.640
just... He was in shock. He looked at me and

00:28:02.640 --> 00:28:06.339
he said, we've never ever had that kind of a

00:28:06.339 --> 00:28:09.359
reaction to this kind of medicine before. And

00:28:09.359 --> 00:28:12.680
I took another breath and I laughed again. And

00:28:12.680 --> 00:28:17.460
I said, can I have another shot? He shook his

00:28:17.460 --> 00:28:21.940
head at me. And he said, no, honey, another shot

00:28:21.940 --> 00:28:26.000
would kill you. So they took me to the hospital.

00:28:26.180 --> 00:28:30.130
My heart rate As soon as it got under 100, the

00:28:30.130 --> 00:28:32.470
doctor said, check in with your family doctor

00:28:32.470 --> 00:28:37.109
and sent me home. I slept for four days. The

00:28:37.109 --> 00:28:40.390
doctor said I had run the equivalent of a marathon

00:28:40.390 --> 00:28:43.470
without actually running the marathon. It took

00:28:43.470 --> 00:28:46.849
me four days to get that shower, Eric, four days,

00:28:46.990 --> 00:28:49.369
four days to get that shower because I was so

00:28:49.369 --> 00:28:52.170
tired. But as soon as I got that into the shower

00:28:52.170 --> 00:28:54.369
and that water hit my body for the first time

00:28:54.369 --> 00:28:57.450
in four days, Literally, Eric, I'm not joking

00:28:57.450 --> 00:29:00.910
to you, best shower of my life to this day. I

00:29:00.910 --> 00:29:04.269
was as close to heaven as I had been in four

00:29:04.269 --> 00:29:09.170
days. It was heaven. Did you say that your heart

00:29:09.170 --> 00:29:15.450
rate with the shot went from 240 to 126? Over

00:29:15.450 --> 00:29:18.369
100 beats per minute, it dropped in less than

00:29:18.369 --> 00:29:21.470
a second. After all of this, and you get home

00:29:21.470 --> 00:29:24.880
and you're feeling better, Who did you tell about

00:29:24.880 --> 00:29:27.900
this experience that you had? Not the physical

00:29:27.900 --> 00:29:31.440
part, the spiritual part. My mommy, of course.

00:29:32.180 --> 00:29:36.019
Of course, my mom. Mom always understands. I

00:29:36.019 --> 00:29:40.359
think she, as my mother, understandably so, she

00:29:40.359 --> 00:29:42.799
was really concerned. She was really worried.

00:29:42.900 --> 00:29:46.299
She was like, what happened? Kind of funny side

00:29:46.299 --> 00:29:51.480
story. My brother that same day, he got, my parents,

00:29:51.599 --> 00:29:54.650
I guess, had called him. He's an artist. And

00:29:54.650 --> 00:29:57.609
so he was working with a razor blade on a sculpture.

00:29:58.750 --> 00:30:01.190
And my sister came, my sister -in -law's wife

00:30:01.190 --> 00:30:03.829
came in and she said, Kim's in the hospital.

00:30:04.009 --> 00:30:07.390
It's her heart. And he's like, what? And he forgot

00:30:07.390 --> 00:30:10.630
what he was doing. He cut his wrist like huge,

00:30:10.670 --> 00:30:12.930
huge inches ended up in the hospital. Same day

00:30:12.930 --> 00:30:15.210
I did with stitches. He's got this huge scar.

00:30:15.269 --> 00:30:18.230
He didn't tell me about it till like seven. years

00:30:18.230 --> 00:30:21.250
later. He didn't tell me about it, stinker. Well,

00:30:21.309 --> 00:30:23.890
it was your fault, so he was being nice, right?

00:30:24.210 --> 00:30:26.569
The people that you told about the experience,

00:30:26.609 --> 00:30:30.049
did they believe you? Yes, because I'm just not

00:30:30.049 --> 00:30:34.789
one for telling stories that are in this context.

00:30:35.009 --> 00:30:39.529
I'm not a storyteller. Yeah, I believe you. How

00:30:39.529 --> 00:30:43.910
did it change your life? I think I took a lot

00:30:43.910 --> 00:30:47.660
of things for granted. before this experience,

00:30:48.480 --> 00:30:51.900
even after this experience, even today, I'm telling

00:30:51.900 --> 00:30:56.599
you, it's terrible because I'm sure anybody who

00:30:56.599 --> 00:30:58.660
is probably even listening to this story saying,

00:30:58.859 --> 00:31:01.079
well, you know, how can you have had these experiences

00:31:01.079 --> 00:31:04.460
and still make mistakes, right? Like, I mean,

00:31:04.539 --> 00:31:07.299
how is that possible? But it's possible. I'm

00:31:07.299 --> 00:31:11.079
human. I'm imperfect. I will continue to be imperfect.

00:31:11.559 --> 00:31:15.640
I will continue to make mistakes. But I think

00:31:15.640 --> 00:31:21.339
that for me, the experience, man, I thought I

00:31:21.339 --> 00:31:24.799
had it rough. It wasn't two years later. I ended

00:31:24.799 --> 00:31:27.720
up, and this might be another story for another

00:31:27.720 --> 00:31:31.759
time, Eric, ended up paralyzed and wheelchair

00:31:31.759 --> 00:31:35.000
bed bound for seven years afterwards. I ended

00:31:35.000 --> 00:31:39.480
up getting divorced from my husband of 15 years,

00:31:39.819 --> 00:31:41.759
the one we weren't able to have any children

00:31:41.759 --> 00:31:44.559
with, ended up getting divorced a couple years

00:31:44.559 --> 00:31:46.619
after that. It was a couple years after that,

00:31:46.779 --> 00:31:49.519
my parents ended up passing away in January and

00:31:49.519 --> 00:31:53.519
February. So I lost my parents in less than 30

00:31:53.519 --> 00:31:57.400
days of each other. And so I think having this

00:31:57.400 --> 00:32:02.400
NDE for me was a tender mercy. It prepared me

00:32:02.400 --> 00:32:05.880
for harder things in this life that I would have

00:32:05.880 --> 00:32:09.940
to then make choices about. Hopefully, again,

00:32:10.140 --> 00:32:13.559
like I said, not so afraid of death, but of regrets,

00:32:13.819 --> 00:32:16.339
like making good choices and making sure that

00:32:16.339 --> 00:32:19.299
I don't have any regrets. And if I do have regrets,

00:32:19.720 --> 00:32:22.519
fixing them as quickly as possible and not holding

00:32:22.519 --> 00:32:25.660
on to them, moving forward. But, I mean, have

00:32:25.660 --> 00:32:28.160
also experienced this really, really great thing

00:32:28.160 --> 00:32:30.420
we talked about before. I just got married. Like,

00:32:30.420 --> 00:32:33.700
I'm a mom now. Like, I've got kids. This is great.

00:32:33.759 --> 00:32:38.019
So, my whole life is a blessing. I look at every

00:32:38.019 --> 00:32:40.240
step that I take is a blessing, every heartbeat,

00:32:40.380 --> 00:32:42.160
every breath. Eric, and I'm just so grateful

00:32:42.160 --> 00:32:44.380
for the opportunity to share that. The last thing

00:32:44.380 --> 00:32:47.279
that I want to talk about, and now I am going

00:32:47.279 --> 00:32:49.539
kind of back to what I said I was going to, and

00:32:49.539 --> 00:32:54.599
that is your experience with Jesus. You went

00:32:54.599 --> 00:32:58.180
right from all these regrets and all this darkness

00:32:58.180 --> 00:33:01.940
and everything to being with Him and feeling

00:33:01.940 --> 00:33:04.720
the love. And I forget your exact words, but

00:33:04.720 --> 00:33:06.940
can you just delve into that a little bit deeper?

00:33:07.400 --> 00:33:11.220
It's a peace that passes all understanding. Because

00:33:11.220 --> 00:33:17.319
I was in turmoil. I was conflicted. I was full

00:33:17.319 --> 00:33:23.059
of regret and I was dying. And I suppose, I guess

00:33:23.059 --> 00:33:26.420
now the thought that comes to me is it's the

00:33:26.420 --> 00:33:31.180
difference between life and death. That love,

00:33:31.539 --> 00:33:35.339
that's what makes the difference. He said, I

00:33:35.339 --> 00:33:38.980
know, to you a couple of times. Was that a very

00:33:38.980 --> 00:33:41.119
simple thing or was there more meaning to it?

00:33:41.279 --> 00:33:43.980
There was more meaning to it. So I mean, I can

00:33:43.980 --> 00:33:47.200
give an example. I have struggled with an eating

00:33:47.200 --> 00:33:51.930
disorder and a part of that eating disorder had

00:33:51.930 --> 00:33:56.690
to do with some abuse and being a survivor of

00:33:56.690 --> 00:34:02.190
this abuse. And so in order to take this to the

00:34:02.190 --> 00:34:06.910
Savior and lay it at His feet and to experience

00:34:06.910 --> 00:34:11.650
that love, and it wasn't just for me, right?

00:34:11.710 --> 00:34:17.650
It's for this individual who was abusive. I have

00:34:17.650 --> 00:34:23.929
to forgive, and myself. And I know that that's,

00:34:23.969 --> 00:34:26.449
again, no regrets. I've got to let it go. Got

00:34:26.449 --> 00:34:28.929
to move forward. Because I've been able to do

00:34:28.929 --> 00:34:32.849
that, I am now in recovery. Like, I'm doing great.

00:34:32.969 --> 00:34:36.789
I'm doing so much better. Again, it's life changing.

00:34:37.050 --> 00:34:39.869
When you can forgive yourself, it's one thing.

00:34:40.170 --> 00:34:44.329
But when you can forgive somebody else, that's

00:34:44.329 --> 00:34:46.980
really life changing. I want to get just a little

00:34:46.980 --> 00:34:51.260
bit deeper into the I know that he said, because

00:34:51.260 --> 00:34:53.460
it can mean so many different things in this

00:34:53.460 --> 00:34:56.119
life. It can be a very flippant, oh, yeah, I

00:34:56.119 --> 00:34:58.300
know that, you know, kind of thing. But I have

00:34:58.300 --> 00:35:00.699
a feeling he was saying it meaning something

00:35:00.699 --> 00:35:03.380
much deeper. What do you think that was? Well,

00:35:03.480 --> 00:35:06.380
thinking about it right now, I think it meant

00:35:06.380 --> 00:35:11.159
that he's been there. He's been betrayed. He's

00:35:11.159 --> 00:35:17.500
been abused. He's been rejected, and that all

00:35:17.500 --> 00:35:20.840
of those feelings, whenever I feel them, I don't

00:35:20.840 --> 00:35:25.880
have to ever feel alone. That He knows what I'm

00:35:25.880 --> 00:35:29.880
feeling. He knows what I'm going through. And

00:35:29.880 --> 00:35:34.659
I just, I hold onto those two words. I'll never

00:35:34.659 --> 00:35:37.579
forget them, Eric. It's beautiful. All right.

00:35:37.800 --> 00:35:40.579
Very last before I let you go. You mentioned

00:35:40.579 --> 00:35:43.760
the word hope a while back. Wrap that up in a

00:35:43.760 --> 00:35:46.139
bow for us. Leave everybody with some hope today.

00:35:46.780 --> 00:35:51.840
Oh, wow. That's not a big ask. Just look outside,

00:35:52.099 --> 00:35:57.119
right? The gratitude we can have for the air

00:35:57.119 --> 00:36:01.199
that we breathe and for the sunshine that we

00:36:01.199 --> 00:36:04.980
have. And for the rain or the water that we have

00:36:04.980 --> 00:36:08.139
for this beautiful earth, it's gratitude gives

00:36:08.139 --> 00:36:10.679
me hope. I think you talk about gratitude. I've

00:36:10.679 --> 00:36:13.639
heard you talk about gratitude. That's important.

00:36:13.880 --> 00:36:17.119
I think that that can give me hope. And it's

00:36:17.119 --> 00:36:19.619
really, honestly, if you just open your eyes,

00:36:19.699 --> 00:36:23.599
look up, it's in the people around you. It's

00:36:23.599 --> 00:36:26.559
in the connections that you make with others.

00:36:26.980 --> 00:36:32.670
That gives me hope for Yeah, for life and, you

00:36:32.670 --> 00:36:35.650
know, life after death, it's not the end. We

00:36:35.650 --> 00:36:39.289
continue. We continue to progress, and I'm looking

00:36:39.289 --> 00:36:41.650
forward to the journey. I'll embrace the struggle

00:36:41.650 --> 00:36:45.750
here, and I have hope. I have lots of hope, and

00:36:45.750 --> 00:36:49.150
I hope everybody else does, too. And if you don't

00:36:49.150 --> 00:36:53.610
have hope, hold on, because it's out there, and

00:36:53.610 --> 00:36:56.130
look for it, because it is out there. Don't give

00:36:56.130 --> 00:36:58.940
up. Have hope. Thank you, Kimberly. That was

00:36:58.940 --> 00:37:03.840
beautifully said. Appreciate it. Thanks again

00:37:03.840 --> 00:37:06.380
for listening and sharing this podcast. Don't

00:37:06.380 --> 00:37:08.659
forget to hit the follow or subscribe button

00:37:08.659 --> 00:37:11.099
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00:37:11.099 --> 00:37:14.619
.com. If you want to share your near -death experience

00:37:14.619 --> 00:37:16.900
or if you have questions or comments about the

00:37:16.900 --> 00:37:19.780
show, send an email to eric at roundtripdeath

00:37:19.780 --> 00:37:22.940
.com. Until then, I wish you everything good

00:37:22.940 --> 00:37:25.260
that you're looking for in this life and the

00:37:25.260 --> 00:37:25.639